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July 02, 2024 2 min read

13 Tips to Protect Your Pets This July 4th.

July 4th celebrations can be stressful for dogs due to fireworks and large crowds. Here are some suggestions to prevent them from getting lost:

1. During the fireworks, keep your dog inside the house in a safe and comfortable place where they feel protected.

2. If your dog usually stays outside, prepare a safe space inside your house for this occasion.

3. Make sure your dog is microchipped and has an identification tag with your current contact information. If they don't have one, add a tag with your information clearly written on their collar during the holidays.

4. Give your dog enough exercise during the day so they are tired and relaxed before the festivities begin.

5. Set up a quiet room with soft music or noise to help drown out the sound of the fireworks.

6. Keep all doors, windows, and possible escape routes closed to prevent your dog from escaping.

7. Have a secure leash, collar, and harness that they cannot escape from. On Xolo Sarapes we have safe collars ans some biothane leahes.

8. Keep your dog busy with interactive toys and chews to distract them from outside noise. Stay calm, as your dog can pick up on your energy.

9. If your dog is very sensitive to loud noises, talk to your veterinarian about possible medications or treatments for anxiety.

10. If possible, stay home with your dog or make sure someone you trust is with them to provide comfort and security.

11. Don't take your dog to events or places with large crowds and fireworks.

12. In case your dog gets lost, have a recent photo of them and contact information for local shelters and veterinarians.

13. Follow these suggestions and you can help keep your dog safe and calm during the July 4th celebrations.
